Printing is the use of plates or other means to transfer thegraphic information on the original to the substrate by technology. Printing, in fact, is a color synthesis process. The yellow, magenta, cyan, black four kinds of dots superimposed on a piece of paper, forming a color pattern.
Several common color printing include CMYK, Spot color and RGB.
Different from RGB, CMYK is a subtractive color mode that relies on reflective color modes.
CMY is the first letter of the three printing ink names: Cyan,Magenta, Yellow. In order to avoid confusion with the Blue, K took the black last letter.
It is the basis of four-color printing, so when we finally output the work, we would turn the image into CMYK mode.
Spot color refers to the printing, not by printing C, M, Y, K four-color synthesis of this color, but with a special ink to print the color.
Color mode is a color standard in the industry, which is obtained by the change of the three color channels of red (R), green (G) and blue (B) and their superposition with each other to get a variety of colors.
RGB is the color that represents the red, green and blue channels. This standard includes almost all the colors that human eyesight can perceive, is one of the most widely used color systems.